Monday, September 19, 2011

Remodeling when time's not on your side

By Gale

Meet my dear friends, The Procrastinators (most of us know who they are and sometimes we are all just like them). They are filled with good intentions and great plans, but they never seem to find the time to actually move ahead with their objectives. As a consequence, things look a little worn out at their home. The cabinet doors do not shut; some of the hardware is non-functional, two burners of the cooktop stopped working some time ago. Let’s not even talk about the countertop, which looks like it has been through a war and then some.

Their biggest problem is simply finding time to get these projects done. They want to fix up the kitchen, for example, but are afraid that any disruption will mean they cannot continue to use the room. We had a heart-to-heart talk recently, and I point out that if they focus on the parts of the kitchen that need to be upgraded (or replaced altogether), then the actual process of remodeling will move along smoothly.

If you are simply replacing appliances or cabinets without moving them around, then the inconvenience time is reduced to just a few days (not weeks or months as they imagined), that is, assuming you have a contractor who can come when you plan. But surprisingly, even a countertop replacement takes only a day of inconvenience. The fabricator measures the space and then brings the new countertop two weeks later. In the meantime, you have use of the kitchen.

They were relieved and headed off to look at all their choices. I gave them a new mantra:
“To make it work easily and quickly, simply find products that will fit into the same size space in your existing room."
The second piece of advice is even less complicated: Always have a tape measure available, along with a little notebook with your measurements written down. When in doubt, measure and remeasure.

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