Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Place for Everything and Everything in its Place

By Gale

I am so tired of people telling me that they have “a place for everything and everything in its place.” While I can admit that this does seems like a good idea, in the end, I find it not always possible to put everything back where it is supposed to be. I could do it if I were not always off to another task, say I! Instead, I place it in the same general area and hope that when I look for it again, I will find it nearby.

Now I have friends (and I am sure you do as well) who run their kitchens with precision, like army generals moving troops. They cannot understand my casual approach to storage, but then they do not know that I actually do try to sort things out once a month. That is my real secret for keeping the clutter down and relative calm out of potential chaos.

Kitchen designer friends always suggest that when you plan your kitchen that you do a complete inventory of what you have before you complete the plans. In that way, you can understand the width and depth of what is hidden inside. And it may amaze you about what you have collected over the years. When you restore it all to the new or newly revised cabinets, you will have a better handle on where it goes and what goes with what… plus a place for everything in theory.

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